Some Recent Spectroscopy Studies of the Hidden Order in URu2Si2

J. A. Mydosh

Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium and Instituut-Lorentz

Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands

    In order to shed new light on clarifying the mysterious hidden order (HO) transition at 17.5 K in URu2Si2, I review a series of recent experiments focusing on the spectroscopy and dynamics of the phase transition. These experiments include inelastic neutron scattering (INS) at the two Q-vectors, optical conductivity along a and c, ultra-sonic velocity and attenuation, angular resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES), and STM/STS. It is my purpose to illustrate how these “cutting edge” experiments can be used as modern tools to study the generic heavy fermions. While such experiments reveal different aspects of the precursor and entry into the HO state, they have not yet led to a consensus as to the exact nature and microscopic description of the transition. A first glimpse at HO involves knowledge of the band structure and Fermi surface via density function theory.

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